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Ways to Improve Your Small Business Website

Ways to Improve Your Small Business Website

Let’s start with an easy example! You always want to set a good impression whenever a guest visits your home. You never invite people for lunch in a messy house. The same goes for your business website.

Websites are a home for many search engine users, and if you’re not welcoming them in the right manner, you’re missing a big opportunity.

You only get a short time to grab users’ attention as they only read, on average, 28% of the web content. So if your website is not appealing to them or not clearly states the message, lads won’t stick for long.

Building a small business website is only the beginning; making it work best is the real thing. This is why we’re here with the best digital solutions in this blog to let you understand some ways to improve your small business website. Read on and learn how to set up a small business website that users like to engage with.

1. Easy Web Navigation

When we talk about successful small business websites, online visitors are their priority, and then comes search engines.

Think with the perspective of humans! Instead of generic phrases like ‘What We Do,’ go for descriptive navigation that humans would use and keywords that online traffic searches for. It is just a game of seconds and fewer clicks, and search engines will indicate you as the most relevant search result of a visitor’s query.

2. Make It Mobile-Responsive

63% of searches on Google are done on mobile phones, which means people prefer to search for things more on phones rather than logging in with laptops or PCs. This stat tells you the importance of mobile-friendly small business websites.

When it comes to mobile responsiveness, it means that website pages take a fast time to load on both desktop and mobile devices. Your web page display should change as per the user’s device. Be sure you follow a swap-down version in your mobile website as it is easy to navigate and lets the user stay longer.

3. Design Websites with The Best Practices

Users appreciate visually appealing websites and associate them with professionalism, trustworthiness, and credibility.

75% of customers judge the credibility of a business with its website design; this is why you should never compromise on the design of your website. Therefore, when designing a website, do an in-depth focus on every design parameter of the website font size, spacing, color, white space, etc.

Never try to cram all the information onto a single page. Instead, spread it out evenly and take advantage of whitespace to give your website a clean and minimalist aesthetic that’s easy to read.

4. Web Pages Should Load Fast

Users and Google or any other search engine prefer websites that work fast. If a website page takes too much time, Google won’t grade them high.

When we talk about websites, users always go for sites that load quickly. So, if you want your website to rank high on search engine results pages, ensure web page loading won’t take more than 2 seconds. There are a number of ways to improve website speed. If you want to know how to set up a website that works fast, read this blog!

5. Use Keywords Wisely

All websites have at least a niche or a core subject, with a cluster of topics branching out. Keywords are those topics! In simpler words, when a user searches their query on the search bar, he puts some words called ‘Keywords.’

To include the most relatable keywords in your web content, think like a user and execute an in-detailed keyword strategy in order to make your small business website rank high. Do in-detailed research on relevant subjects on your site, then include those keywords in the right place. You can use keywords in headers (H1, H2, H3, H4), Title Tags, Meta Descriptions, Alt- text, Body Text, and URLs.

One of the essential things to note is to place keywords in a balance between your actual niche and what people are searching for! Too many keywords sometimes disrupt the overall SEO strategy, so ensure you’re doing everything in the right manner on your small business website.

Bottom Line

To stay competitive in the digital market, every business, either a startup or a giant, has to make its website a place that amazes the audience. With this blog, you now know how to set up a small business website for good results. The website is the foundation of your online presence, if the foundation isn’t great, the structure may collapse. So, invest more in improving your website and get immediate results.

If you want professionals to handle your website and make it a place worth visiting, reach out to our web development services team at Kudos Cube. We craft the best strategies for your website and ensure its excellent functionality.